Normally I probably wouldn't check out a book like this. I wasn't around for the whole Venom craze, and I really have no vested interest in the character...but with Rick Remender doing the writing and Tony Moore penciling I can't really turn it down now can I? It should be good, Remender has been on a real role and I've loved everything I've read from him so far. And you can't really go wrong with Tony Moore. The concept seems a little tamed down and more realistic and hopefully will provide some good plot points for Remender's crazy brain to play with! Here is some preview art that I've been seeing around the web.
The new costume for Flash in his normal condition looks absolutely fantastic.
I'm also diggin the new look for Venom himself.
I am definitely not crazy about this cover by Joe Quesada...I think Venom just looks overweight. Seriously, a couple steps and he's gonna need a breather. The variant cover looks nice though!
Paulo Siquiera variant cover for Venom #1
Finally, these Tony Moore page look absolutely fantastic...he draws larger-than-life crazy shit better than almost anyone else. Should be fantastic!
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