2010 Awards - Best Cover Part I: Honorable Mentions

Thursday, March 10, 2011 by Travis
The best cover category is perhaps the most difficult of categories if only for the sheer number of comics (which each have a cover...and sometimes multiple covers) put out each year. In order to make this task somewhat manageable, I tried to limit my choices to books that I have read (or are in a pile waiting to be read) and tried to exclude variant covers. I also tried to limit myself to 1 cover per artist...and even with all these limitations I had way the fuck too many covers on my list...oh well, in any case I decided I needed way more than 10 spots for this category, so I made a list of Honorable Mentions. The Top 10 will be next!

Honorable Mentions (there's about 15 of these...I told you it's hard to pick!)

Jim Rugg - Afrodisiac OGN

Ivan Brunetti - Strange Tales II #3

Dave Johnson - Abe Sapien: The Abyssal Plain #1

Eric Canete - New Avengers Luke Cage #2

J.H. Williams III - Batman Incorporated #1

Jeff Lemire - Sweet Tooth 11

Rob Guillory - Chew #12 (Variant)

Joao Ruas - Fables #98

Gary Frank - The Atom Special (Brightest Day)

Yuka Shimizu - The Unwritten #14

Danny Luvisi - Secret Six #27

Dave Johnson - Punisher Max #7

Camilla D'Errico - Elephantmen #29

Cliff Chiang - Detective Comics #864

Skottie Young - Ozma of Oz #1

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