2010 Awards - Best Cover Part II: The Top Ten

Friday, March 11, 2011 by Travis
If you were saying "Holy shit that's a lot of covers", well, there's more to come. Here are my top 10 covers (from books I read) for the year of 2010.

10. J.H. Williams III - Batwoman #0

J.H. Williams III is a master, plain and simple. His style is always pushing boundaries, and this cover to the new Kate Kane Batwoman series is an excellent example.

9. Yuko Shimizu - The Unwritten #13

Yuko Shimizu is a wonderful artist, and her covers to The Unwritten have all been equally fantastic. I could have picked any of them from this year, but I thought this one stuck out just a little bit from the rest.

8. Danny Luvisi - Secret Six #21

Danny Luvisi does just plain cool covers. The "Bane riding a T-Rex" cover was almost my pick, but I thought that this one was just a little better. The tree-frog is a priceless touch.

7. Jeff Lemire

Jeff Lemire's Sweet Tooth covers are also in the same line as The Unwritten (and many of the other series and artists represented here), consistently outstanding. They are always so creative and unique. No difference here.

6. Rafael Albuquerque - Superboy #1

A great cover for a first issue is so important. Albuquerque's colors are so vibrant and the playing with depth gives it a very unique look.

5. Skottie Young - The Marvelous Land of Oz #3

I love Skottie Young covers - you can always tell when it's his unique art style. Plus I'm a sucker for retro-poster art like this.

4. Rob Guillory - Chew #15

Rob Guillory puts out some of the most creative and amazing covers in comics today. The covers for chew are absolutely brilliant month after month. I like how he makes the "Last Supper" completely his own.

3. Dave Johnson - Unknown Soldier #22

Oh how I want Dave Johnson to do some interior work. He does so many covers and they are all so good. I really like that he does different styles all the time. This happy and hopeful feeling of this cover was a nice change from the bloody and violent covers of the rest of the issues. The skulls in the flowers are a nice touch.

2. Joao Ruas - Fables #97

It must have been difficult for Joao Ruas following James Jean's amazing covers on Fables. But he has performed beyond expectations, churning cover after cover of beautiful, stylistic art with his very own feel.

1. Rafael Grampa

Watch out, there's a new star in town and his name is Rafael Grampa. This is definitely my favorite cover of the year. From the mustard yellow background to the unique take on the figures of your favorite superheroes to the amazing level of detail and line-work, everything is perfect in this cover.

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