Completing the triumvirate of Loeb-Sale books I've been exploring...Daredevil: Yellow.
This is essentially a retelling of the Daredevil origin story. The narration is a done through a letter written by Matt to Karen. It tells of how his father died, how he and Foggy set up their practice, how they hired Karen, how they both immediately fell in love with her, and how everything got resolved (in a way). The story is simple like that of Superman for All Seasons, but does an effective job of getting into what makes Matt Murdock/Daredevil tick. It also gives the backstory of Daredevil's costume change at the end which is a nice touch.
The art here felt much more in the style of the Long Halloween and Dark Victory. Tim Sale does a fantastic job of getting the street-level feel to come out in his pages. The city-scapes are awesome and the character designs are classic Tim Sale. Rather than describing it, I can just let the art itself do the talking...
I really liked this book...Daredevil is one of my favorite comics characters and the nostalgic feel of this book coupled with the beautiful art gave me a very warm feeling when I finished reading it. You can pick up the gorgeous Hardcover right now from instocktrades for really cheap ($15!)
8 years ago
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