Review-a-day #21 - New First Issue: Butcher Baker, The Righteous Maker

Sunday, April 3, 2011 by Travis
I found out about this book while doing my weekly browse of the Image Comics website. The 5 page preview had me very interested...a big bruising super-hero type, Jay Leno and Dick Cheney, and a naked orgy - do you need anything else?


So the story here is pretty straightforward.Dick Cheney and Jay Leno approach Butcher Baker (he's the righteous maker) and offer him three women to have sex with if he’ll go and kill all of the supervillains that he put away because keeping them in prison is costing the taxpayers too much. And, cue craziness. Casey is definitely a man full of ideas, and although not all of them catch on with the comic book community, he really seems as though he's created a winner here. 



It's always refreshing to come across a great artist you've never seen before. Providing the line and color art for this issue is Mike Huddleston, who manages to make Casey’s crazy story his own. He does this through the use of numerous artistic styles which give each pages and sequence its own feeling and look. He seems to be able to easily shift from a cartoony comedy style (the car chase scene) to more traditional style (the ending) with relative ease. Additionally, the constantly shifting styles works with Casey’s crazy script for this book, adding a kinetic and energetic feeling to every page.



This was a superhero comic unlike just about every other superhero comic ever. It was not afraid to be both ‘mature’ and juvenile, basking in the sheer excessiveness of the genre, and applying that excess to areas that Marvel and DC dare not tread. The closest I've seen to this is some of Mark Millar's more outrageous work. This alone would keep it on my pull list, but the fact that it is really good makes it a definite purchase for a least a few more issues.


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