Review-a-day #4 - The Killer

Monday, February 28, 2011 by Travis
I recently figured out that their are some great comics that do NOT come from the United States and Canada. I know, amazing right? I have tried a number of them already and have a few sitting in my "to be read" stack at home. The Killer is a comic that I got a hold of (along with about 15 or 20 other North Americans) a while ago, and I felt like it deserved some representation on the internets.

The Killer is a 10 part limited series written by Matz (Alexis Nolent) and drawn by Luc Jacamon. The pair have teamed up on a number of other excellent works as well if you are interested. Originally published in 6 albums in Casterman which were translated by Archaia Press in 2007 (along with The Killer: Modus Vivendi).


Matz is an excellent writer, and his work holds up well even when translated. The series is essentially a deep, dark introspective character study of the life of an assassin. Matx examines the inner workings of the brain of a killer, while at the same time putting forward a compelling and interesting story. There really is a James Bond feeling to this book even though it is about a "bad guy", and this is further enhanced by the wonderful art.


Luc Jacamon is a VERY good artist, and it definitely shows in these books. He does an amazing job mirroring Matz's writing in terms of the dark and gritty noir feeling, while at the same time using bright colors and light to give the book a little dash of glitz and glamour. His cityscapes cause me to stare violently every time. I've seen his work in a couple other books, and every time I am amazed at the "non-North American-ness" of it. It's something you can't describe and just have to see. All of the characters were simple and distinct in their looks, which is something that can be lacking in a crime comic.


I love the worldly spy story feeling of this series and the added twist of the main character being a paid assassin makes it all the more compelling of a read.


The books can be somewhat hard to find at an affordable price, but Amazon has the Vol. 1 hardcover for just over 13 bucks which isn't too bad! The fist volume collects issues 1-5, volume 2 has 6-10 and then volume 3 has the follow up to the series, The Killer: Modus Vivendi.

Additionally, be sure to check out the pair's new series Cyclops which is about 4 issues in as of right now. It is beautiful and intriguing as well, and a completely different type of story that either of The Killer books.
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